Ayurveda - ImproveAble Feast Book
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When Diet is Wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need”- Ayurvedic Proverb

In the west, our medicine tends to place focus on treating the disease. When you step back, and change the focus to preventing disease from happening in the first place, that’s when the magic really starts to happen. Preventing disease is an approach that not only helps you to change your course of action from pill popping solution, to a solution that improves your health from head to toe, and improves the health of your community, and the health of your planet. Everything is connected, so if you make changes to improve yourself, you can’t help but change everything around you.

Please don’t let the word Ayurvedic turn you off, and stop reading. Once you delve into this science of wellness, you’ll find that Ayurvedic “medicine”, although approximately 2000 years old, is really cutting edge. Instead of treating everyone as if they were the same, for example, if you have a medical problem, let’s assume your body is unique to only you, and your path to wellness to unique to you. There is no one out there on this planet, that is exactly like you. We can have common traits, but there is only one perfectly unique you. With Ayurvedic instructions, the same general guidelines apply. We have common paths to wellness, clean food, good habits, etc. Along with that, you have distinct traits that might not be shared with your neighbors, your partner, even your children if you have them. You might have a sluggish digestive tract, your blood might tend to be a more acidic pH. Just look around you at other people, and note the differences, tall, short, heavy, tendency to have large veins on legs, dark spots on hands and face, allergies, wrinkles. All of these issues, differences, and unique differences are taken in and are applied to you for your own path to wellness with Ayurvedic Medicine.

I would suggest a couple a places to start if you are interested in finding out more. A book by Deepak Chopra, M.D., titled Perfect Health, The Complete Body Guide is a wonderful read. I also like Anjum’s cookbook titled Eat Right For Your Body Type, and a book titled The Tastes of Ayurveda by Amrita Sundhi.

Ayurvedic is a great place to find out about the person you spend the most time with, you.