Soda, Milk, Water, and Wine: What to drink on a Friday Night - ImproveAble Feast Book
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Soda, Milk, Water, and Wine: What to drink on a Friday Night

Soda, Milk, Water, and Wine: What to drink on a Friday Night

Staying hydrated are we? It’s not an easy task, you need to be mindful about drinking, what ever it is you choose to imbibe in. You have to drink something, so let’s talk about some of our favorites. My very favorite drink during the day, water. Lots of water. Filtered by reverse osmosis, a big tank under my sink, filling up my water bottles every morning. I drink at least 70 ounces of water everyday. To calculate how much you need to drink, divide your weight in half, and that number in ounces, is what you need to drink every day to stay hydrated. If you drink alcohol, or coffee, or sweat alot during a workout, then you need to compensate for that water loss, so drink up.

Next on the list, Soda. Soda has changed so much since I was a kid. Soda is now sweetened with corn fructose, not cane sugar. Corn is what agribusiness feeds cows. Cows should be fed grass, being that they are grass eaters. But instead, cows are fed corn to make them gain weight FAST. So now, our kids are drinking, and eating products sweetened with corn fructose, and other corn derivatives, which does the same, makes kids gain weight FAST. Why do they call those big midwest football playing young men, “Corn Fed”? Because corn puts on weight!! FAST. Why is our population gaining weight faster than ever before? Thank corn. If you are going to drink soda, drink the kind with cane sugar, there are lots of alternatives out there. But NEVER drink diet soda. Why? Because you want to prevent breast cancer. The diet sugars that are put in sodas have been proven to cause bladder cancer in laboratory mice. There used to be a warning label on diet soda cans, but the all and powerful soda companies behind the curtain, pulled some strong lobby strings, and got that label taken right off, and out of our collective consciousness. Diet sugars have been proven to separate in compounds, including formaldyhye, at room temperatures. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen, meaning it is cancer causing. One of the initial reasons why diet sugars were created was to be used as an ant killer. So why would you drink this?? Why would you let your daughter drink this? If you want to kill some ants, feed them some diet sugar, but don’t do this to yourself.

On to Milk. Kids drink it like crazy. I like to have some in my coffee in the morning. I make sure the milk I buy does not have Bovine Growth Hormone that Monsanto Corporation happily sells to farms to inject into their cows. Then those cows need further injections of antibiotics to regulate their new unhealthy state, thanks to Bovine Growth Hormones. What do the hormones do to the cows? It helps to deteriorate their skeletal structure, leads to contaminating their milk with pus, and decreasing their life span. What is this chemical doing to us? There is new science out there that may link this growth hormone with breast cancer in premenopausal women. That’s breast cancer in young women. This link with Bovine Growth Hormone could help explain why the rate of breast cancers in youger women are going up. Unfortunately, our FDA’s way of protecting us is to give the okey dokey green light to Bovine Growth Hormone use, and take the wait and see “if this is bad for you” approach. Unfortunately for young women diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer , this approach is deadly. The goal is to get toxins out of your diet that could cause cancer, so be mindful of the milk you consume.

And lastly, wine. There is a connection between cancer and alcohol, but most women I know are not going to give up their wine, and neither am I. So here is some information that I found interesting. Pinot Noir is the wine noted to have the highest amount of reservatrol. Reservatrol being an antiaging chemical found in grape skins. Californian wines tend to have trace amounts of flouride in them, due to flouridated water practices, which lead to flouride in the soil. Unfortunately, flouride is a known carcinogen. French wines have not been found to contain flouride, because they never took this miscalculated step of placing unhealthy chemicals into their water source. Since the idea is to get toxins out of our bodies, we need to look for foods and drinks that don’t have those toxins in the first place. Check out some French Pinot Noirs, cook a healthy dinner, and enjoy life! Bon Appetite, and Drink Up!

Book Reads: The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and The Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There by P. H. Connett

The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick and What We Can Do About It by Robyn O’Brien with Rachel Kranz