Wellness Blog - ImproveAble Feast Book
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Wellness Blog

Watch the movie trailer by clicking on "Read More".  Joe Cross is a guy from Austrailia who came to the U.S. on a quest to lose weight. His journey began with the goal of drinking juiced vegetables and fruits for 60 days. Juiced veggies and...

Learn about our food industries though this powerful documentary, Food, Inc.  When you peel back the layers of marketing, and media promoting processed foods, you get to see the reality of how big business is changing the way we eat. With the rise of industrialized...

When Diet is Wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need”- Ayurvedic Proverb In the west, our medicine tends to place focus on treating the disease. When you step back, and change the focus to preventing disease from...

  WAKING THE WARRIOR GODDESS, Harnessing the Power of Nature To Achieve Extraordinary Health by Christine Horner, M.D., F.A.C.S. This is the book that literally woke me up.  Before hearing Dr. Horner, I believed that the way to prevent breast cancer was to go in for my...